

The presentation was rather interesting, but I have already knew a lot of what had been said. I liked very much the systematization of these objects, because i have never before tied to have associations with the foot or jewelry, e.g. 'The permanence and the life span of jewelry’. Next time I will think more deeply about what objects say about the people wearing them.

Unfortunately, it's very hard for me to think if someone speaks loudly at the same time (including the teacher), so it was difficult for me to form associative lists, I partly used the lists of teachers. Even more difficult was the idea of ​​10 ideas in sketches in 10 minutes - and so for each word. Usually, I find this task interesting and challenging, but ершы ешьу I did not have enough time categorically. Moreover, I prefer to think carefully about one thing to make my best in developing of idea and not dissipate. 

The aim was to design and make a product which works with the body and its various parts. I explored the joints and how materials could adapt the space around them to restrict movement as well as methods of hanging garments from the body parts. However, all my sketches objects are in very futuristic style and hard producing, so I decided to make my further work funding on materials.

I used silver and black iron wire make the necklace around the neck. I wanted to make more aggressive design for the neck piece to highlight that our neck is a very delicate section of our body. The silver wide is like electricity from our soul.

If I only had more time, I perhaps would have done my object more carefully or I would tie up the string in a different way, which would take me more time.  Nevertheless, I greatly enjoyed this project and I am satisfied by idea I created.


I feel my presentation is rather successful, because the photo conveys emotion I wanted to present. The girl looks very expressive in that necklace.  Interesting, that for the back ground I used my own T-shirt (honestly, I was inspired by it).